© Cherie Burger | Living Word Ministries

Living Word Ministries​

The Year of Divine Justice 5779

Note: 22 letters in the Hebrew Alphabet each having its own number, characteristics, and Theme.
Last year, 5778, the Year of the Ayin-Chet, was a time of Intensity and Acceleration, Exponential Growth and Warfare.
In TMCI, we saw an expansion of National and International Ministry with an acceleration of souls coming into the Kingdom, over 6500.

It was also a year of conflict and warfare. Many countries where we have a Missionary and Pastoral presence experienced governmental, military and civil unrest and warfare. It was a year of conflict. In the US, we also experienced Political strife and unrest. It was a time to Contend for the Faith, humble ourselves in prayer and intercede for God’s Spirit and will to prevail.

In October of 2017, early one morning Jesus stood at the foot of my bed and said, “The volume of the Hisssss is being turned up and is intensifying in frequency…But, it is still the Hisssss.” I also understood that the Truth was still the Truth! I understood to pay attention to what I was looking at and what I was focusing on!

Now it is the final decade of the Ayin. The Decade of Revelation! The Decade of the release of vision, insight, and truth!
Revelation means revealing and exposure, the pulling back of the veil.

5779 is the Year of the Ayin Tet. It is the revealing and exposure of the Tet. Tet in Hebrew and Arabic it means Serpent! In the Ancient Hebrew, it was drawn to look like a snake! It is a picture of something that is twisted around, coiled or a snake. This is the Year of the exposure and judgment of the Serpent, corruption and evil! Why Judgment? In EW Bullinger’s Number in Scripture, the number 9 is associated with Judgment. Bullinger also tells us that the number 9 in Scripture symbolizes not only the judgment of a matter, but finality and conclusion.

Interestingly enough Chapter 9 of the book of Revelation reveals the release and exposure of the demonic creatures held in the bottomless pit.

Also, the 9th Commandment is “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” (think Kavanaugh). In other words, do not lie! The Serpent, the Liar! The Hisssss.

In the Year of the Tet, the 9th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, the Lie will be exposed.

Think of the idiom, snake in the grass. This is a picture of something evil, crafty that stays hidden until it strikes its victim. Jesus tells us that every hidden thing will be made known. Matthew 10:26

The hidden things are now being made known and judged. Satan the adversary,
Sin Tet Nun, is a word picture of a snake that devours. His works are being revealed and judged this year.

This is the Year that Justice will be given for those who have suffered false accusations, the shedding of innocent blood and those who have suffered and died at the hands of Human Traffickers. Their cry has come up before God and He has arisen to address evil. Our prayers and intercessions have been heard!

The exposure of the Adversary and his Minions will be accompanied by great faith to Overcome and Prevail. God is increasing and releasing the Spirit of Might upon His Children!

The Tet tells us that that which looks bad or evil will be turned for our good! The very first use of the letter Tet in Scripture is in Genesis 1. God created light and saw that it was good, Tov! Here God separated Light from Darkness! Note that Satan the Serpent is never first! God was there all along creating Good!

Have you heard of the Full Moon Effect? Crazy behavior happens on the nights of the Full Moon. Note: that light dispels darkness and exposes that which was hidden in darkness. When the Light comes, creatures of darkness scurry for cover or turn and fight like cornered rats. Expect a season of Chaos and Warfare to accompany this exposure. But God… The first thing that God saw was good was the creation of Light! The Light prevails over the darkness!

During this time of exposure and the chaos that accompanies it remember
Psalm 27:4-8, God hides us in the Time of Trouble and calls us to Seek His face.

Because it is the Judgment of the Serpent and the Lie is exposed, God is pouring out the Spirit of Truth! Truth will always reveal the lie! He is giving us a Discerning Spirit to know that Truth!

How do we receive the Spirit of Truth? By passing into the Holy Place through the veil of Truth! Within the Holy Place we find the Menorah (the 7 Spirits: The Spirit of Truth), the Table of Showbread (The Word of God: Thy Word is Truth, John 17:17) and the Altar of Incense (Prayer/Communion: Seeking the Face of God). It is here that we enter into a deeper relationship with God, make our petitions and requests known and receive Justice. We are hidden, transformed, vindicated and made into the image of Christ as we enter into this relationship with the Lord!

Father, mantle us with the Spirit of Might and Truth! Let Your Glory manifest! Let the Tov of God be seen in great victory and triumph! Vindicate Your children and those who have cried out to You for Justice and Mercy!

Dismantle the lies and deception of the Enemy, that Ancient Serpent! Remove his protection and tactics. Remove the Enemies forces from places of influence.

Let Righteousness arise! Release the Holy Ones to come with flaming swords to do warfare on our behalf in the Spiritual realm. May they bring order and restore strength to Your people!

May You be glorified this Year in all things! Our eyes are upon You! In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!!